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Can You Cook Crack In A Microwave

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For a simple, protein-rich breakfast, over-easy eggs are a great choice. No need to even light up the stove—you can cook them up quickly in the microwave if you'd like.

At a 3-1 ratio of baking soda-cocaine, put in a glass dish, preferably pyrex obviously, and add water just enough to saturate the coke and dissolve it. Microwave for around 2 minutes depending on amount. Some say bring it to a boil but dont risk it because 'itll overcook the yell and then it wont sell'. The temp of a steamy shower is perfect. Pull it out the microwave, add drops of cold water. Stir with a fork. If your microwave has a smaller wattage, you may need to increase the cooking time slightly to heat the milk to 185 F. About the Author Kathryn Hatter is a veteran home-school educator, as well as an accomplished gardener, quilter, crocheter, cook, decorator and digital graphics creator. Microwave on high for about 5 -10 seconds until it steams a bit if you do it too long it will boil out and be lost add a few pieces of crushed ice to chill swirl the liquid and rock should fall to the bottom of the shot glass If it doesn't work, find a new coke dealer.


Grease a shallow microwave-safe dish with oil or butter. Dokapon kingdom stats.

Crack the egg into the dish.

Pierce the center of the yolk with the very tip of a toothpick to break the surface tension and prevent an explosion in the microwave.

Season the egg with salt and pepper.

Cover the dish with a piece of plastic wrap to trap steam so the egg cooks evenly on the top and bottom.

Microwave the egg at half power for approximately 2 minutes or until the egg white on top is nearly cooked. Let the egg sit covered until the whites become opaque and the yolk has just begun to thicken. Mr cheeks john p kelly rar.

Remove the plastic wrap carefully by lifting a corner and venting the steam away from your hand. Gently slide the egg onto a plate.

Cook Crack Cocaine In Microwave


Foods You Can Microwave

Cook one egg at a time for best results.

Can You Cook Crack In A Microwave Oven

Cooking times vary by microwave. Watch the egg while it cooks and adjust the time as needed.

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