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What Is Shader Model 3.0

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Shaders are most commonly used to produce lit and shadowed areas in the rendering of 3D models. Phong shading, an improvement on Gouraud shading, was one of the first computer shading models ever developed after the basic flat shader, and it greatly enhances the appearance of curved surfaces in renders.

Sep 06, 2004  Pixel shader program 2.0 supports a maximum of 512 instructions. Pixel shader 3.0 supports 65,000 instructions. This increase of instructions, will have little or no real world impact in the upcoming generations of games. Most game developers at present are using shader programs that contain less then 50 instructions. Shader Model 3.0 Windows 10 What Is Shader Model 3.0 Chipset models in the series (excluding RD690 and RX690) feature an Integrated Graphics Processor (IGP). based on Radeon R420 and contains 4 pixel pipelines capable of Shader Model version 2.0b with DirectX 9 and OpenGL 2.0 compatibility but lacks hardware vertex processing- Reference 2.

Another use of shaders is for special effects, even on 2D images, e.g. a photo from a webcam. The unaltered, unshaded image is on the left, and the same image has a shader applied on the right. This shader works by replacing all light areas of the image with white, and all dark areas with a brightly colored texture.

In computer graphics, a shader is a type of computer program originally used for shading in 3D scenes (the production of appropriate levels of light, darkness, and color in a rendered image). They now perform a variety of specialized functions in various fields within the category of computer graphics special effects, or else do video post-processing unrelated to shading, or even perform functions unrelated to graphics at all.

  • Each video card model series features a specific pixel shader, or shader model; shader models with a higher numerical value have increased efficiency when performing graphical-related tasks, while also providing superior special effects. To find out the pixel shader on your video card, get to know the exact model of your video card.
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Traditional shaders calculate rendering effects on graphics hardware with a high degree of flexibility. Most shaders are coded for (and run on) a graphics processing unit (GPU)[1], though this is not a strict requirement. Shading languages are used to program the GPU's rendering pipeline, which has mostly superseded the fixed-function pipeline of the past that only allowed for common geometry transforming and pixel-shading functions; with shaders, customized effects can be used. The position and color (hue, saturation, brightness, and contrast) of all pixels, vertices, and/or textures used to construct a final rendered image can be altered using algorithms defined in a shader, and can be modified by external variables or textures introduced by the computer program calling the shader.[citation needed]

Shaders are used widely in cinemapost-processing, computer-generated imagery, and video games to produce a range of effects. Beyond simple lighting models, more complex uses of shaders include: altering the hue, saturation, brightness (HSL/HSV) or contrast of an image; producing blur, light bloom, volumetric lighting, normal mapping (for depth effects), bokeh, cel shading, posterization, bump mapping, distortion, chroma keying (for so-called 'bluescreen/greenscreen' effects), edge and motion detection, as well as psychedelic effects.[clarification needed]


Genesis 8 female eye morphs. This use of the term 'shader' was introduced to the public by Pixar with version 3.0 of their RenderMan Interface Specification, originally published in May 1988.[2]

As graphics processing units evolved, major graphics software libraries such as OpenGL and Direct3D began to support shaders. The first shader-capable GPUs only supported pixel shading, but vertex shaders were quickly introduced once developers realized the power of shaders. The first video card with a programmable pixel shader was the Nvidia GeForce 3 (NV20), released in 2001.[3]Geometry shaders were introduced with Direct3D 10 and OpenGL 3.2. Eventually, graphics hardware evolved toward a unified shader model.


Shaders are simple programs that describe the traits of either a vertex or a pixel. Vertex shaders describe the attributes (position, texture coordinates, colors, etc.) of a vertex, while pixel shaders describe the traits (color, z-depth and alpha value) of a pixel. A vertex shader is called for each vertex in a primitive (possibly after tessellation); thus one vertex in, one (updated) vertex out. Each vertex is then rendered as a series of pixels onto a surface (block of memory) that will eventually be sent to the screen.

Shaders replace a section of the graphics hardware typically called the Fixed Function Pipeline (FFP), so-called because it performs lighting and texture mapping in a hard-coded manner. Shaders provide a programmable alternative to this hard-coded approach.[4]

The basic graphics pipeline is as follows:

  • The CPU sends instructions (compiled shading language programs) and geometry data to the graphics processing unit, located on the graphics card.
  • Within the vertex shader, the geometry is transformed.
  • If a geometry shader is in the graphic processing unit and active, some changes of the geometries in the scene are performed.
  • If a tessellation shader is in the graphic processing unit and active, the geometries in the scene can be subdivided.
  • The calculated geometry is triangulated (subdivided into triangles).
  • Triangles are broken down into fragment quads (one fragment quad is a 2 × 2 fragment primitive).
  • Fragment quads are modified according to the fragment shader.
  • The depth test is performed; fragments that pass will get written to the screen and might get blended into the frame buffer.

The graphic pipeline uses these steps in order to transform three-dimensional (or two-dimensional) data into useful two-dimensional data for displaying. In general, this is a large pixel matrix or 'frame buffer'.


There are three types of shaders in common use (pixel, vertex, and geometry shaders), with several more recently added. While older graphics cards utilize separate processing units for each shader type, newer cards feature unified shaders which are capable of executing any type of shader. This allows graphics cards to make more efficient use of processing power.

2D shaders[edit] 2D shaders act on digital images, also called textures in the field of computer graphics. They modify attributes of pixels. 2D shaders may take part in rendering 3D geometry. Currently the only type of 2D shader is a pixel shader.

Pixel shaders[edit]

Pixel shaders, also known as fragment shaders, compute color and other attributes of each 'fragment': a unit of rendering work affecting at most a single output pixel. The simplest kinds of pixel shaders output one screen pixel as a color value; more complex shaders with multiple inputs/outputs are also possible.[5] Pixel shaders range from simply always outputting the same color, to applying a lighting value, to doing bump mapping, shadows, specular highlights, translucency and other phenomena. They can alter the depth of the fragment (for Z-buffering), or output more than one color if multiple render targets are active. In 3D graphics, a pixel shader alone cannot produce some kinds of complex effects because it operates only on a single fragment, without knowledge of a scene's geometry (i.e. vertex data). However, pixel shaders do have knowledge of the screen coordinate being drawn, and can sample the screen and nearby pixels if the contents of the entire screen are passed as a texture to the shader. This technique can enable a wide variety of two-dimensional postprocessing effects such as blur, or edge detection/enhancement for cartoon/cel shaders. Pixel shaders may also be applied in intermediate stages to any two-dimensional images—sprites or textures—in the pipeline, whereas vertex shaders always require a 3D scene. For instance, a pixel shader is the only kind of shader that can act as a postprocessor or filter for a video stream after it has been rasterized.

3D shaders[edit]

3D shaders act on 3D models or other geometry but may also access the colors and textures used to draw the model or mesh. Vertex shaders are the oldest type of 3D shader, generally making modifications on a per-vertex basis. Newer geometry shaders can generate new vertices from within the shader. Tessellation shaders are the newest 3D shaders; they act on batches of vertices all at once to add detail—such as subdividing a model into smaller groups of triangles or other primitives at runtime, to improve things like curves and bumps, or change other attributes.

Vertex shaders[edit]

Vertex shaders are the most established and common kind of 3D shader and are run once for each vertex given to the graphics processor. The purpose is to transform each vertex's 3D position in virtual space to the 2D coordinate at which it appears on the screen (as well as a depth value for the Z-buffer).[6] Vertex shaders can manipulate properties such as position, color and texture coordinates, but cannot create new vertices. The output of the vertex shader goes to the next stage in the pipeline, which is either a geometry shader if present, or the rasterizer. Vertex shaders can enable powerful control over the details of position, movement, lighting, and color in any scene involving 3D models.

Geometry shaders[edit]

Geometry shaders are a relatively new type of shader, introduced in Direct3D 10 and OpenGL 3.2; formerly available in OpenGL 2.0+ with the use of extensions.[7] This type of shader can generate new graphics primitives, such as points, lines, and triangles, from those primitives that were sent to the beginning of the graphics pipeline.[8]

Geometry shader programs are executed after vertex shaders. They take as input a whole primitive, possibly with adjacency information. Dropsync 3 1 5 esv. For example, when operating on triangles, the three vertices are the geometry shader's input. The shader can then emit zero or more primitives, which are rasterized and their fragments ultimately passed to a pixel shader.

Typical uses of a geometry shader include point sprite generation, geometry tessellation, shadow volume extrusion, and single pass rendering to a cube map. A typical real-world example of the benefits of geometry shaders would be automatic mesh complexity modification. A series of line strips representing control points for a curve are passed to the geometry shader and depending on the complexity required the shader can automatically generate extra lines each of which provides a better approximation of a curve.

Tessellation shaders[edit]

As of OpenGL 4.0 and Direct3D 11, a new shader class called a tessellation shader has been added. It adds two new shader stages to the traditional model: tessellation control shaders (also known as hull shaders) and tessellation evaluation shaders (also known as Domain Shaders), which together allow for simpler meshes to be subdivided into finer meshes at run-time according to a mathematical function. The function can be related to a variety of variables, most notably the distance from the viewing camera to allow active level-of-detail scaling. This allows objects close to the camera to have fine detail, while further away ones can have more coarse meshes, yet seem comparable in quality. It also can drastically reduce required mesh bandwidth by allowing meshes to be refined once inside the shader units instead of downsampling very complex ones from memory. Some algorithms can upsample any arbitrary mesh, while others allow for 'hinting' in meshes to dictate the most characteristic vertices and edges.

Primitive and Mesh shaders[edit]

Circa 2017, the AMD Vegamicroarchitecture added support for a new shader stage – primitive shaders – somewhat akin to compute shaders with access to the data necessary to process geometry.[9][10] Similarly, Nvidia introduced mesh and task shaders with its Turing microarchitecture in 2018 which provide similar functionality and like AMD's primitive shaders are also modelled after compute shaders.[11][12]

Compute shaders[edit]

Compute shaders are not limited to graphics applications, but use the same execution resources for GPGPU. They may be used in graphics pipelines e.g. for additional stages in animation or lighting algorithms, (e.g. tiled forward rendering). Some rendering APIs allow compute shaders to easily share data resources with the graphics pipeline.

Parallel processing[edit]

Shaders are written to apply transformations to a large set of elements at a time, for example, to each pixel in an area of the screen, or for every vertex of a model. This is well suited to parallel processing, and most modern GPUs have multiple shader pipelines to facilitate this, vastly improving computation throughput. Live home 3d pro 3 6 2017.

A programming model with shaders is similar to a higher order function for rendering, taking the shaders as arguments, and providing a specific dataflow between intermediate results, enabling both data parallelism (across pixels, vertices etc.) and pipeline parallelism (between stages). (see also map reduce).


The language in which shaders are programmed depends on the target environment. The official OpenGL and OpenGL ES shading language is OpenGL Shading Language, also known as GLSL, and the official Direct3D shading language is High Level Shader Language, also known as HLSL. Cg, a third-party shading language which outputs both OpenGL and Direct3D shaders, was developed by Nvidia; however since 2012 it has been deprecated. Apple released its own shading language called Metal Shading Language as part of the Metal framework.

GUI shader editors[edit]

Prison break season 5 complete torrent. Modern videogame development platforms such as Unity and Unreal Engine increasingly include node-based editors that can create shaders without the need for actual code; the user is instead presented with a directed graph of connected nodes that allow users to direct various textures, maps, and mathematical functions into output values like the diffuse color, the specular color and intensity, roughness/metalness, height, normal, and so on. Automatic compilation then turns the graph into an actual, compiled shader.

See also[edit]


  1. ^'LearnOpenGL - Shaders'. Retrieved 2019-11-12.
  2. ^'The RenderMan Interface Specification'.
  3. ^[1]
  4. ^'ShaderWorks' update - DirectX Blog'. 13 August 2003.
  5. ^'GLSL Tutorial – Fragment Shader'. 9 June 2011.
  6. ^'GLSL Tutorial – Vertex Shader'. 9 June 2011.
  7. ^Geometry Shader - OpenGL. Retrieved on 2011-12-21.
  8. ^'Pipeline Stages (Direct3D 10) (Windows)'.
  9. ^'Radeon RX Vega Revealed: AMD promises 4K gaming performance for $499 - Trusted Reviews'. 31 July 2017.
  10. ^'The curtain comes up on AMD's Vega architecture'.
  11. ^'NVIDIA Turing Architecture In-Depth'. 14 September 2018.
  12. ^'Introduction to Turing Mesh Shaders'. 17 September 2018.

Further reading[edit]

  • Upstill, Steve. The RenderMan Companion: A Programmer's Guide to Realistic Computer Graphics. Addison-Wesley. ISBN0-201-50868-0.
  • Ebert, David S; Musgrave, F. Kenton; Peachey, Darwyn; Perlin, Ken; Worley, Steven (1994). Texturing and modeling: a procedural approach. AP Professional. ISBN0-12-228730-4.
  • Fernando, Randima; Kilgard, Mark. The Cg Tutorial: The Definitive Guide to Programmable Real-Time Graphics. Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN0-321-19496-9.
  • Rost, Randi J. OpenGL Shading Language. Addison-Wesley Professional. ISBN0-321-19789-5.

External links[edit]

  • Riemer's DirectX & HLSL Tutorial: HLSL Tutorial using DirectX with much sample code
Retrieved from ''

Vertex shaders and pixel shaders are simplified considerably from earlier shader versions. If you are implementing shaders in hardware, you may not use vs_3_0 or ps_3_0 with any other shader versions, and you may not use either shader type with the fixed function pipeline. These changes make it possible to simplify drivers and the runtime. The only exception is that software-only vs_3_0 shaders may be used with any pixel shader version. In addition, if you are using a software-only vs_3_0 shader with a previous pixel shader version, the vertex shader can only use output semantics that are compatible with flexible vertex format (FVF) codes.

The semantics used on vertex shader outputs must be used on pixel shader inputs. The semantics are used to map the vertex shader outputs to the pixel shader inputs, similar to the way the vertex declaration is mapped to the vertex shader input registers and previous shader models. See Match Semantics on vs 3.0 and ps 3.0 Shaders.

Additional wrap mode render states have been added to cover the possibility of additional texture coordinates in this new scheme. Attributes with D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD and usage index from 0 to 15 are interpolated in wrap mode when the corresponding D3DRS_WRAP* is set.

Vertex Shader Model 3 Features

The vertex shader output register types have been collapsed into twelve registers (see Output Registers). Each register that is used needs to be declared using the dcl instruction and a semantic (for example, dcl_color0 o0.xyzw).

The 3_0 vertex shader model (vs_3_0) expands on the features of vs_2_0 with more powerful register indexing, a set of simplified output registers, the ability to sample a texture in a vertex shader, and the ability to control the rate at which shader inputs are initialized.

Index Any Register

All registers( Input Register and Output Registers) can be indexed using Loop Counter Register (only constant registers could be indexed in earlier versions.)

You must declare input and output registers before indexing them. However, you may not index any output register that has been declared with a position or point size semantic. In fact, if indexing is used the position and psize semantics have to be declared in the o0 and o1 registers respectively.

You are only allowed to index a continuous range of registers; that is, you cannot index across registers that have not been declared. While this restriction may be inconvenient, it permits hardware optimization to take place. Attempting to index across non-contiguous registers will produce undefined results. Shader validation does not enforce this restriction.

Simplify Output Registers

All the various types of output registers have been collapsed into twelve output registers: 1 for position, 2 for color, 8 for texture, and 1 for fog or point size. These registers will interpolate any data they contain for the pixel shader. Output register declarations are required and semantics are assigned to each register.

The registers can be broken down as follows: Falk reducers manual.

  • At least one register must be declared as a four-component position register. This is the only vertex shader register that is required.
  • The first ten registers consumed by a shader may use up to four components (xyzw) maximum.
  • The last (or twelfth) register may only contain a scalar (such as point size).

For a listing of the registers, see Registers - vs_3_0.

Texture Sample in a Vertex Shader

Vertex shader 3_0 supports texture lookup in the vertex shader using texldl - vs.

Pixel Shader Model 3 Features

The pixel shader color and texture registers have been collapsed into ten input registers (see Input Register Types). The Face Register is a floating point scalar register. Only the sign of this register is valid. If the sign is negative the primitive is a back face. This can be used inside a pixel shader to achieve two-sided lighting, for instance. The Position Register references the current (x,y) pixels.

The shader constant registers can be set using:

Match Semantics on vs_3_0 and ps_3_0 Shaders

There are some restrictions on semantic usage with vs_3_0 and ps_3_0. In general, you need to be careful when using a semantic for a shader input that matches a semantic used on a shader output.

For instance, this pixel shader packs multiple names into one register:

Each register has a different semantic. Notice that you can also name v0.x and v0.yz with different (multiple) semantics because of the use of the write mask.

Given the pixel shader, the following vs_3_0 shader cannot be paired with it:

These two shaders conflict with their use of the D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD0 And D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD1 semantics.

Rewrite the vertex shader like this to avoid the semantic collision:

Similarly, a semantic name declared on different input registers in the pixel shader (v0 and v1 in the pixel shader) cannot be used in a single output register in this vertex shader. For instance, this vertex shader cannot be paired with the pixel shader because D3DDECLUSAGE_TEXCOORD1 is used for both pixel shader input registers (v0, v1) and the vertex shader output register o3.

On the other hand, this vertex shader cannot be paired with the pixel shader because the output mask for a parameter with a given semantic does not provide the data that is requested by the pixel shader:

This vertex shader does not provide an output with one of the semantic names requested by the pixel shader, so the shader pairing is invalid:

Fog, Depth, and Shading Mode Changes

When D3DRS_SHADEMODE is set for flat shading during clipping and triangle rasterization, attributes with D3DDECLUSAGE_COLOR are interpolated as flat shaded. If any components of a register are declared with a color semantic but other components of the same register are given different semantics, flat shading interpolation (linear vs. flat) will be undefined on the components in that register without a color semantic.

If fog rendering is desired, vs_3_0 and ps_3_0 shaders must implement fog. No fog calculations are done outside of the shaders. There is no fog register in vs_3_0, and additional semantics D3DDECLUSAGE_FOG (for fog blend factor computed per vertex) and D3DDECLUSAGE_DEPTH (for passing in a depth value to the pixel shader to compute the fog blend factor) have been added.

Texture stage state D3DTSS_TEXCOORDINDEX is ignored when using pixel shader 3.0.

The following values have been added to accommodate these changes:

Floating Point and Integer Conversions

Floating point math happens at different precision and ranges (16-bit, 24-bit, and 32-bit) in different parts of the pipeline. A value greater than the dynamic range of the pipeline that enters that pipeline (for example, a 32-bit float texture map is sampled into a 24-bit float pipeline in ps_2_0) creates an undefined result. For predictable behavior, you should clamp such a value to the dynamic range maximum.

Conversion from a floating point value to an integer happens in several places such as:

  • When encountering a mova - vs instruction.
  • During texture addressing.
  • When writing out to a non-floating point render target.

Specifying Full or Partial Precision

What does shader model 3.0 mean

What Is A Shader Model 3.0

Both ps_3_0 and ps_2_x provide support for two levels of precision:

xFullfp32 or higher
xPartial precisionfp16=s10e5
xxFullfp24=s16e7 or higher
xxPartial precisionfp16=s10e5

ps_3_0 supports more precision than ps_2_0 does. By default, all operations occur at the full precision level.

Partial precision (see Pixel Shader Register Modifiers) is requested by adding the _pp modifier to shader code (provided that the underlying implementation supports it). Implementations are always free to ignore the modifier and perform the affected operations in full precision.

The _pp modifier can occur in two contexts:

  • On a texture coordinate declaration to pass partial-precision texture coordinates to the pixel shader. This could be used when texture coordinates relay color data to the pixel shader, which may be faster with partial precision than with full precision in some implementations.
  • On any instruction to request the use of partial precision, including texture load instructions. This indicates that the implementation is allowed to execute the instruction with partial precision and store a partial-precision result. In the absence of an explicit modifier, the instruction must be performed at full precision (regardless of the precision of the input operands).

An application might deliberately choose to trade off precision for performance. There are several kinds of shader input data which are natural candidates for partial precision processing:

  • Color iterators are well represented by partial-precision values.
  • Texture values from most formats can be accurately represented by partial-precision values (values sampled from 32-bit, floating-point format textures are an obvious exception).
  • Constants may be represented by partial-precision representation as appropriate to the shader.

In all these cases the developer may choose to specify partial precision to process the data, knowing that no input data precision is lost. In some cases, a shader may require that the internal steps of a calculation be performed at full precision even when input and final output values do not have more than partial precision.

Software Vertex and Pixel Shaders

Software implementations (run-time and reference for vertex shaders and reference for pixel shaders) of version 2_0 shaders and above have some validation relaxed. This is useful for debugging and prototyping purposes. The application indicates to the runtime/assembler that it needs some of the validation relaxed using the _sw flag in the assembler (for example, vs_2_sw). A software shader will not work with hardware.

Shader Model 3.0 Windows 10

vs_2_sw is a relaxation to the maximum caps of vs_2_x; similarly, ps_2_sw is a relaxation to the maximum caps of ps_2_x. Specifically, the following validations are relaxed:

Shader ModelResourceLimit
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swInstruction CountsUnlimited
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swFloat Constant Registers8192
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swInteger Constant Registers2048
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swBoolean Constant Registers2048
ps_2_swDependent-read depthUnlimited
vs_2_swflow control instructions and labelsUnlimited
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swLoop start/step/countsIteration start and iteration step size for rep and loop instructions are 32-bit signed integers. Count can be up to MAX_INT/64.
vs_2_sw, vs_3_sw, ps_2_sw, ps_3_swPort limitsPort limits for all register files are relaxed.
vs_3_swNumber of interpolators16 output registers in vs_3_sw.
ps_3_swNumber of interpolators14(16-2) input registers for ps_3_sw.

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